Thursday 12 July 2007

End of term

We are very pleased to have an extension on our PDA course and will be starting again in September. We put together a list of questions about the park and interviewed each other using video and sound.
We have also put together a list of things we would like to look at next term, including looking at the differnt buildings and their uses on St helen's road, interviwing shop keepers, Change of use of the area e.g churches now restaurants, flats etc.
we also spent a bit of time consolidating our knowledge so we practiced video recording, taking photo's, sound recording and microsoft word. We think we might need a recap in September after the long break!


jayne woolcock said...

Well done all for your enthusiasm and hard work. I am delighted the project has been such a success and that you have enjoyed learning new skills. You have also made new friends and have become quite a confident group. You'll be standing in the local elections next!
I look forward to seeing you all next term.

Clare said...

Thank you for your interest in our group. We have started back and although we are on Ramadan we will try and come to every class!
Please keep logging on to find out what we are doing.